
Ultimate hosting solution for static websites

How often do you create simple web pages? No PHP, or anything, just pure HTML+CSS. How ofter do you update them? Do you use version control system for this purpose just like for other dev projects? How about hosting your project directly from the source code repository? Wouldn't that be perfect?

In the previous post I described how to use lftp to effectively update website on FTP server with the trick of reverse mirror mode. But if you are using GIT for versioning your HTML (which I strongly recommend even if there are no other people working on the project), you are also quite likely using GitHub for keeping your source code. Do you know that you can host your website directly from GitHub infrastructure? For free.

Of course it is possible to use custom domain name. In order to fully utilize GitHub's global Content Delivery Network it is advised to use CNAME record with for example www subdomain prefix to canonicalize domain name. Be sure to choose domain registrar which will allow you to configure HTTP 301 redirection for the main domain.


FTP synchronization. How to update your sites via FTP?

Upload your site via FTP. This is usual offer bundled with web hosting solutions. Nowadays it is mostly SFTP, for secure communication.

There are various sophisticated FTP synchronization solutions. But you can also use simple LFTP script to achieve the same. The lftp command is available in most of the Linux distributions.

Here is example script I put in some of the projects which are deployed as pure static HTML/CSS:

lftp -u username -e "set ssl:verify-certificate no; mirror --reverse --delete --only-newer -v site_source_dir /; exit" ftp.somewebhosting.org

It works like a charm thanks to this reverse mirror approach.

But there are better ways of pushing changes to your static sites. If your are interested, watch out the next post which should appear soon.


Szczecin JUG meeting: Dependency Injection and Google Guice

Here are the details of this event (in Polish).

It is the first in a series of lectures/workshops covering practical aspects of Dependency Injection, Google Guice, GIN, and building GWT applications in the spirit of Model-view-presenter pattern.


Tadedon - solid ground for any Java application

Some time ago I started project called tadedon. The name is coined by my little son Alan (Polish), and I assume it is short, unique, and easy to remember.

The whole projects consists of several maven modules, which are intended to be flexible tools for solving common problems. Each module is built on top of library like Guice, GWT, commons-configuration, etc. Tadedon modules shouldn't be considered as extensions to these libraries, but rather as a thin layer of code which allows to use these libraries in special contexts. Here is an example of tadedon-guice-servlet-mock module which supports unit testing of Guice Servlet Modules without the need of real servlet container.

I have already released version 1.0. Now tadedon needs some attention - it should attract more users, and developers. Any contributions are welcome. Putting tadedon modules into maven central repository seems the most important goal right now.



Since the beginning of this blog I have been posting entries in both English and Polish. In order to distinguish these entries I applied specific labels to them. Now I feel it is the time for change.

I can recognize some writing patterns typical to myself. Either I am posting on computers/programming or on some other topics like little Alan, philosophy, arts, etc. I suppose that different audience could be interested in different contexts thus I am splitting this single blog into 3 new blogs.

This blog will remain concerned with IT stuff. Soon all non-it stuff will be moved to other places (together with comments).

I have started two new blogs for all the non-IT stuff:

Feel free to go there from time to time.


Unlocking Android - A Developers Guide

Thanks to Szczecin JUG I had opportunity to read Unlocking Android - A Developer's Guide. The title very accurately describes contents of this book. It is truly a developers guide, but also something more.

If you are reading this review, you probably already heard about Android? For sure this name does not only denote a bunch of mobile devices, nor it only refers to specific operating system. Android is one of the platforms provided by Google.

I found very interesting opinion somewhere on the web. The author concludes that Sun and Google both have three different Java editions. As Sun provides Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition and Micro Edition, Google offers Cloud Edition (Google App Engine for Java), Web Edition (Google Web Toolkit) and Mobile Edition (Android). Comparing Android to JavaMe is not completely fair. However such comparison shows how many possibilities Android platform provides in the field of development for mobile devices. From this perspective 'Unlocking Android' is not only a developers guide - it is a book about one of important Java editions. Software developed for mobile devices has it's very own specifics and Android platform offers special approach for addressing them. The book describes these topics to great extent also showing interesting comparison with other major mobile platforms.

Structure of the book is very convenient for the reader. However be prepared that it is more step-by-step guide then detailed reference of Android APIs. It starts with general concepts, and goes through detailed description of Eclipse based development environment, specifics of UI design, code examples of available APIs, and ends with core topics from the Hacking Android chapter. Each chapter contains a lot of diagrams and screenshots in addition to text and code fragments. The code examples are usually short, and possibly refer only to concept they are supposed to explain. However the sequence of involved machinery is described as deep as it matters - sometimes as deep as the level of Linux operating system internals below Dalvik virtual machine.

The whole Unlocking Android, it's structure and contents, is influenced by psychology of the end user of mobile device - the role of user's Intent as declaration of need. APIs which reference the real world have a real world illustrations - e.g. location API has picture of little globe describing latitude and longitude concepts. However I remember such picture from primary school, it seems very useful in this place. The consequence of such amount of information enclosed in one source (almost 400 pages) is that it could be hard to use it as a quick reference.

Unfortunately the Android Market and procedures of publishing the application are described very briefly. Android platform is evolving very quickly and I hope that book will be updated to include new features.

Who will benefit from reading Unlocking Android? I find it convenient and clear, but novice to software development could be confused. Authors assume that reader has experience in programming techniques, XML related topics, and Java in particular. Regardless of good IDE support the topic of development for mobile devices is quite complex. The requirements of good software design can interfere with the requirements of high performance and low memory footprint. It reminds me the time when I was coding in assembler :) . If you want to develop application on Android platform and have strong background in Java then the Unlocking Android will help you for sure.


XMind as eclipse plugin

About XMind

Have you tried XMind? It is very nice, open source mind mapping tool. If you have not tried mind mapping at all, maybe it is a good time to start as it helps a lot to visualize any conceptualization and then conceptualize some complex matters even better.

XMind is built on top of Eclipse RCP and so far has been distributed also as eclipse plugin. However now this option is no longer supported. As I spend a lot of time in eclipse it is much more convenient to me, to have mind maps and code in the same tool.


I found the solution. Here is the script install-as-eclipse-plugin.sh:

#/bin/bash -e

if [ ! $2 ]; then
 echo "Usage ./install-as-eclipse-plugin.sh xmind_path eclipse_path"
 exit 1


if [ ! -d $XMIND_PATH/plugins ]; then
 echo "Error - no /plugins directory in $XMIND_PATH - probably not XMind directory"
 exit 2

if [ ! -d $ECLIPSE_PATH/plugins ]; then
 echo "Error - no /plugins directory in $ECLIPSE_PATH - probably not eclipse directory"
 exit 3

echo "Copying XMind plugins from $XMIND_PATH to eclipse at $ECLIPSE_PATH"

# remove old xmind plugins (if they exist)
rm -fr $ECLIPSE_PATH/dropins/xmind
mkdir -p $ECLIPSE_PATH/dropins/xmind/plugins

# exclude language variants, and os specific stuff
PLUGINS=`ls $XMIND_PATH/plugins | grep -v nl_ | grep -v linux | grep -v win32 | grep -v macos`
for PLUGIN in $PLUGINS; do
 PLUGIN_NAME=`echo $PLUGIN | cut -d "_" -f 1`
 FOUND=`find "${ECLIPSE_PATH}/plugins" -name "${PLUGIN_NAME}_*"`
 if [ "$FOUND" == "" ]; then
  echo "Copying: $PLUGIN"
  cp -r $XMIND_PATH/plugins/$PLUGIN $ECLIPSE_PATH/dropins/xmind/plugins
  echo "Plugin already installed: $PLUGIN_NAME"

This script will compare XMind plugins with plugins already available on eclipse installation and copy only these missing. It will also exclude all localization resources (I don't need them) and macosx stuff. Adjust these lines according to your needs.

All the plugins will be copied to dropins/xmind directory - it will ease the upgrade, if you want to remove xmind functionality from eclipse just remove this directory.

The only problem I have encountered so far is that on fresh eclipse installation, when new node is added to the map, there is exception from spell checker. Opening and closing xmind spell checking preferences in eclipse fixes this.

Update: I updated the script not to copy specific plugins, even if their version do not match. All the platform dependent stuff is excluded by default. The solution is tested with eclipse helios (3.6) and XMind 3.2.0.

How to use XMind in eclipse

Thanks to some comments I realized it could be not obvious how to use XMind inside eclipse. If you already have XMind file in one of your eclpse projects you can just click on it and it should open inside eclipse. Apparently you can also use File > Open File... from pull down menu to open any .xmind file. However you will not see all the Markers and Overview windows unless you open so called Mind Mapping perspective. You have only one default perspective in XMind, but several perspectives in default eclipse installation. Use Windows > Open Perspective > Other... > Mind Mapping from the pull down menu. You can also open separate windows specific to this perspective - just use Window > Show View. In order to create new XMind file, just open File > New File > Other... > Mind Mapping > Mind Map Workbook


wondershaper is a real wonder

Have you ever experienced "slow internet" when there is another ongoing transfer on your wire which fully saturates the bandwidth. Even if one can accept high latency of HTTP transfers (sooner or later the page will appear in the browser), in case of interactive sessions like SSH it is completely unacceptable. Wondershaper is a great remedy with minimal side effects - especially if your are running your router on Linux machine.

Wondershaper is using CBQ instead of HTB and I am aware that there are better approaches to traffic shaping in Linux. But "traffic shaping" is usually associated with the context of splitting the bandwidth of single internet link among many hosts. This is too much in my case and wondershaper does exactly what I expect.

My ADSL line is 1024/256kb officially. But in logs I can see different values:

ATM dev 0: ADSL line is up (1312 kb/s down | 320 kb/s up)

At first I tried to provide these values to wondershaper, however they were too high (high latency still and packet drops in addition). By using different values I finally established that official numbers give the best trade-off between latency and link speed.

In case of my link the average download rate is around 126KB/s. Now with wondershaper it is around 120KB/s - about 95% of the original speed - this the cost. However SSH sessions work like a charm when updates are being downloaded and the browser loads pages almost as fast as usually.

Now specific section of my /etc/network/interfaces (Debian specific) looks like:

auto ppp0
iface ppp0 inet ppp
    pre-up /usr/local/sbin/firewall.sh start
    pre-up while ! grep 'Line up' /proc/net/atm/speedtch:0 &>/dev/null; do sleep 1; done
    post-up echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
    post-up wondershaper ppp0 1024 250
    pre-down wondershaper clean ppp0
    pre-down echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
    post-down /usr/local/sbin/firewall.sh stop


With the 1024 256 values I still had some latency where my uplink was fully saturated. The 1024 250 values seems to work OK.


smartd.conf: the ultimate settings

By "ultimate settings" I mean options which suit my needs best ;) . I had problems finding comprehensive example of smartd.conf options. Here is what I finally came to:

/dev/sda         \ # The device to monitor
 -a              \ # Implies all standard testing and reporting.
 -n standby,10,q \ # Don't spin up disk if it is currently spun down
                 \ #   unless it is 10th attempt in a row. 
                 \ #   Don't report unsuccessful attempts anyway.
 -o on           \ # Automatic offline tests (usually every 4 hours).
 -S on           \ # Attribute autosave (I don't really understand
                 \ #   what it is for. If you can explain it to me
                 \ #   please drop me a line.
 -R 194          \ # Show real temperature in the logs.
 -R 231          \ # The same as above.
 -I 194          \ # Ignore temperature attribute changes
 -W 3,50,50      \ # Notify if the temperature changes 3 degrees
                 \ #   comparing to the last check or if
                 \ #   the temperature exceeds 50 degrees.
 -s (S/../.././02|L/../../1/22) \ # short test: every day between 2-3am
                                \ # long test every Monday between 10pm-2am
                                \ # (Long test takes a lot of time
                                \ # and it should be finished before
                                \ # daily short test starts.
                                \ # At 3am every day this disk will be
                                \ # utilized heavily as a backup storage)
 -m root         \ # To whom we should send mails.
 -M exec /usr/share/smartmontools/smartd-runner # standard debian script